I am thankful I am part of a church that knows how to make decisions quickly and move forward especially in matters where lives are at stake. In roughly 24 hours we were able to make a decision about what our first response will be to the tragedy in Haiti. We believe this is the best way for our community to help in a tangible way.

New Community will be putting together hygiene kits for the people of Haiti. We are partnering with the United Methodist Committee on Relief to accomplish this. (Just a side note we are not a Methodist community and I love the fact that denominational lines do not stop the move of God.) UMCOR will be handling all the logistics of putting the kits in Haiti which makes doing this project so much easier.

So here is the deal, Sunday there will be Zip-loc style bags placed in the auditorium on each seat. The bag will contain a note that basically says “each kit costs $12.” You can give as little or as much as you like to help purchase the supplies for a hygiene kit. Literally we are asking people to put the money in the bag and at the conclusion of our gathering someone will collect the bags from you as you leave.

All money placed in the bag will be used for the hygiene kits. Volunteers will go out next week and purchase all the supplies. I know you may ask, “can I just bring in some ____________ (insert hygiene item)?” We specifically did not want to ask people to bring in hygiene items, because inevitably we will not have enough of certain items to make complete kits. By asking you to fund the kits a few volunteers will be able to buy enough of the items to ensure we have complete kits. In addition, we have already begin to get retailers in the local area to partner with us in discounting the product…which is awesome.

Once all the items are purchased those who are interested in helping put the kits together will have an opportunity. More information will follow about that soon.

I am praying for a pouring out of generosity. I cannot imagine what our Haitian brothers and sisters are facing. Losing all they have, facing the death of loved ones, and realizing it will be years before they recover. There is so much they need and a hygiene kit will not even begin to scratch the surface. However, I love what Karen Slappey said to me earlier today. “If we do nothing else but provide a band aid to a mother who is desperately trying to comfort her child…then so be it.” I know when Madi has a ‘boo boo’ a band-aid seems to make it all better.  So by providing a band-aid we can comfort both child and mother.

I pray you and your family will find 12 bucks each so that we together can be the hands and feet of Christ serving a hurting people…with something simple like a hygiene kit.