Ava and Claire will be here Wednesday April 22nd at 12:30pm. As I am standing on the brink of this life altering moment it is a simple thing for which I am thankful. Madilyn’s birthday is August 22nd and I can never remember that. There is a long story behind why I cannot remember or why I just refuse to remember. However, now with Ava and Claire coming on April 22 all my children (so far) will have been born on the 22nd. I am thankful for this because I usually allow more into my life than I can possibly handle so something being simplified like everyone’s birthday being on the 22nd is a help.

I am nervous about raising three girls. A close friend of mine has helped me understand how the world is not all that fair to women and growing up as a woman can be very difficult. I hope I can communicate daily their amazing worth and value to both their mother and I and their Creator. Of course making this decision is easy and probably overrated, what is difficult is managing the decision daily.

I think we all invest our energy on a wheel of activity that will not in the end satisfy us like the energy we invest in our children. The energy we invest in our children actually creates an energy source for our lives later. As I pour my life into Madilyn, Ava and Claire, yes, it makes me tired but memories are generated and stored and later they become fuel for me as an old man to know I lived well. In addition, and this is even better, they become fuel for the girls to help them make the best decisions, to live confidently and trust the God of heaven.   

So the decision is made but then making decisions is overrated…managing and following through with that decision for the duration is the key.